Monday, July 25, 2011


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For anyone who doesn't know already, I am a music junkie & without it I don't know what I would do. Soo many people say this, but I for one genuinely mean it. For me, music is my escape & my way of dealing with things good or bad. Music is my healer & my love. I adore it so so much & love a variety of different music ranges whether it be slow, fast, happy, sad etc. I dont stick to just one or two genres, I like this & that from almost every genre there is I'm sure :}
I am the type of person who really appreciates music/lyrics/rhythm. In saying this I mean I dont just listen to a song because everyone else does & cuz it's number one or whatever. A song has to appeal to me & actually be good! haha. Also, I dont just like a certain artist or band just to follow the crowd. That's aloada shite tbh & whoever does that are idiots! I admire, respect & look up to a good hand-full of artists including ones such as:
Chris Brown, Christina Aguilera, Jojo, Conor Maynard, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato & Rihanna. I have no order in particular of who I admire the most other than Chris Brown being number one, obviously ;} I admire them all for different reasons. They're all amazing!!! :}

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But yesss, enough about that!
There are alot of songs that I am loving in particular right now. One's such as:

JoJo - 'Marvin's Room (Can't Do Better)

Chris Brown - Treading Water

Chris Brown - My Last (Freestyle)

Hello Good Morning - Diddy-Dirty Money Ft. T.I. & Rick Ross

New Boyz - Better With The Lights Off ft. Chris Brown

Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had

Lady Gaga - Hair

Demi Lovato Skyscraper

There's more i just can't think :}
Take a listen to them they're amazing all of them! :}

Sunday, July 24, 2011

the death of an unforgotten talent.

As everybody clearly knows, the one & only Amy Winehouse has sadly passed away. Everyone has mixed feeling towards the horrible news, many are absolutely disgusting & unbelievably disrespectful!
My opinion of the entire thing is that although Amy's lifestyle was a time-bomb waiting to explode, I still cannot believe this has happened even though I knew it would eventually. :{
I have always admired her as an amazing singer & talented person. I just feel so sad & sorry for the fact that she had such a unique voice & was such a talented songwriter but couldn't appreciate herself enough in the fact that she let drugs take over & defeat her in the end. I personally don't tolerate drugs or drug abuse in the slightest & on one hand is why I amen't surprised whatsoever that this has happened. Yet, for some reason I find it really upsetting. :{ I'm still in shock & can't get over the fact that Amy Winehouse is never going to produce another song, be seen or anything like that ever again. I really can't.
I'm actually so disgusted over soooo many peoples comments over Amy's death, it's fucking horrible & they should be ashamed of themselves! The woman has just passed away for fuck sake!!!! Have even an ounce of respect & give it a rest no one cares about disrespectful crap like that it's terrible & immature. Shut fuckin up & keep it to yourselves if thats how you feel!
I'm simply writing this to express my feelings towards Amy's death & my appreciation of her music :{
Myself & my bestfriend Niamh literally spent a weekend years ago singing her song "Back to Black" on repeat on singstar until we reached the top... & we did, gowann! xD
My all time favourite song by Amy Winehouse was "Will you Still Love Me Tomorrow" . I loved that song so much & used to always listen to it in bed at night on repeat on my ipod.
So I'll finish off with simply saying this...
Dear Amy Winehouse, Rest in peace. You will most definitely be missed in the music industry & thank god your talent was recognised.
Atleast now she can't be damaged anymore :{

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Recently, I have just come back from a two week holiday to Lanzarote with my bestfriend Niamh & her family. It was absolutely amazing & I wana be back! :{
We stayed in a beautiful villa as you can see, which was huge.. holy hell!

One thing I loved about the place was the scenery & took more pictures of it than anything else!

Not far away from where we were staying was the beach.
It was huge! & oh so pretty as you can see :}
These are pictures of the beach at night & during the day.

Also, during out second week we went to an animal park called "Rancho Texas".

It was such a fun day & I loved it. I love animals so yeah it was great!
From exotic birds - white tigers!!!
Take a look :}

As a memorable gift I bought myself a really nice fan which I now have on my wall to always remind me of Texas Ranch :}

In the last few day i have wanted to DIY myself a new pair of shorts.
So I did, & here's the finished look. I'm mad proud! Thought I was gonna fuck it up, but they're grand & look good if i do say so myself :}

Sites I'm On!

I am apart of a variety of different sites. The following are the main one's I use on a daily basis. Just click on the highlighted title's to get to my pages :}

I absolutely love Youtube & am always on it.
I have my own Youtube account. On it, I have videos of myself singing. My passion is singing & I am therefore getting over my fear of letting people hear me sing & putting myself out there.
So feel free to Add/Subscribe to me. I appreciate it so much & i love talking to new people.

For me, twitter is my place where I express all my feelings thoughts.
Also, where I follow all the celebrities I love.. Ahem, Chris Brown! ;}
Again, feel free to follow me, I follow back.
Happy Tweeeeeeting!

You can always find me on facebook at some stage. I check on it like the daily newspaper!
All my friends & majority of people I know have facebook so i think it's great.
So yeah, add me if you wish :}

Monday, July 18, 2011

It will soon come to your attention that I am an absolute Chris Brown FANATIC!
This beautiful man is my idol & I adore the life outta the guy.
Alot of people like to criticize & question me on my opinion of him.
Tbh, I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks, I look up to Chris & respect him so much after everything.
I have bin a true fan of his music, dance, talent, beauty & all that jazz since 2005 when he first appeared & entered into my life with "Run It" & changed the way I viewed music forever.
He is a huge insperation to me, always has & I'm sure always will be.
He's a living genius in my opinion.
Simple as. He's fucking god damn beautiful might I add! ;}

Hi, Hello, Hola!
Just to start off I'm gonna talk about myself just as my introduction to my blog.
So, my name is Laura Barnwell :} I am 18 years old & I'm from Dublin..
Hell yeah gowann the Dubs! Haha.
I am a lover & hater of many things as you will begin to notice over time xD
I have recently just finished my Leaving Cert. & now have school done & dusted. YESSSS!
I am hope hope hoping to get into college so fingers crossed things go well.
You will soon realize that every second word out of my mouth is me cursing. I know it's horrible & many people can be offended by cursing & stuff like that. But, at the end of the day.. I do it, can't help it so emm yeah it's the way I am & I don't plan to change that, like it or not.
Also, I am fluent sarcastic.. Oooopsy! :}
I consider myself very easy-going & easy to get along with. I am a great listener & am always there to give people support, advice & a boost when needed.
You will be able to get to know me better throughout my blog & get an insight into my personality & things like that.
Well there's a little bit about me.
More to come soon in more detail over time. :}

Here go's!

Hmmm, so I've decided I'm going to start actually using my blog. It will consist of me expressing all of my thoughts on things whether it be about hair, make-up, music, fashion, idols, my opinion or me literally just ranting on about stuff! So yeah, i'm still only getting the hang of this thing & need to fix the majority of things on my blog. But anyways, fingers crossed & here I go! :}