Monday, July 18, 2011

Hi, Hello, Hola!
Just to start off I'm gonna talk about myself just as my introduction to my blog.
So, my name is Laura Barnwell :} I am 18 years old & I'm from Dublin..
Hell yeah gowann the Dubs! Haha.
I am a lover & hater of many things as you will begin to notice over time xD
I have recently just finished my Leaving Cert. & now have school done & dusted. YESSSS!
I am hope hope hoping to get into college so fingers crossed things go well.
You will soon realize that every second word out of my mouth is me cursing. I know it's horrible & many people can be offended by cursing & stuff like that. But, at the end of the day.. I do it, can't help it so emm yeah it's the way I am & I don't plan to change that, like it or not.
Also, I am fluent sarcastic.. Oooopsy! :}
I consider myself very easy-going & easy to get along with. I am a great listener & am always there to give people support, advice & a boost when needed.
You will be able to get to know me better throughout my blog & get an insight into my personality & things like that.
Well there's a little bit about me.
More to come soon in more detail over time. :}

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