Tuesday, December 27, 2011

random questions.

Honestly, do you enjoy drama?

Do you call anybody by their last name?
no I do not

Whats better high heels or flat shoes?
flats for comfort, heels for nights out

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Prefer light or dark haired guys?

Do you like your life right now?


Whats the nicest thing they could do for you?
it's not for me to say, it's for them to do

Whats the worst thing they could do to you?
same as above ^

Do you like arguing with the boy you like?
yeah , sure who doesn't right? , obv not?


Your boy bestfriend tells you he likes you ?

In a relationship with the last boy you kissed?
i am :}

Ever seen someone you knew and avoided them?
sure have

On average what do you cry about most?
things that make me sad / frustrated or annoyed

Can bestfriends be replaced?
you cant replace people, you can just move on from things

Last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mam & aunty liz ♥

Last person you cried infront of?
my mam & dad .

What are you listening to?
the tele

What would you do if a bird flew through your window right now?
be amazed because the window is closed xD

You got an F on the most important test of the year?
end of the world!

Texting became illegal?
well obviously my life would be over?

You had to run around blind folded all day?
I'd clearly end up covered in bruises

A hobo was standing in your backyard?
set the tobster on him xD

You woke up and was a different person?
well..... that would be quite funnay!

Someone came through your window right now?
ask them to get the remote because this crap that's on the tele is shite wtf!

Music was banned from ever being listened to again?
clearly just whip out my ipod & sort that shit out!

Your Mom/Dad read your texts?
why would they xD

Describe how you feel right now in one word?

What's the number one thing you want in life right now?
my nana back....♥

who's the last person you had a sleep over with?

who let you down most in your life?
ahh no - one majorly

where do you go if your locked out of your house?
I never get locked out really? I have my own key haha

what you do before you go to sleep?

do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
night time

do you say sorry first?
if I'm in the wrong yes of corse

do you toss & turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
depends how tired i am & what's on my mind

are you wearing shorts?
can't say I am no

what was the last movie you watched? With who?
home alone with me, myself & I

did anything make you happy today?
little bubbles :} ♥

How did you get one of your scars?
don't have any thankfully

Are you allergic to anything?
not that I am aware of

Do you remember the first time you met the last person you kissed?
yes I do ♥

Do you always answer your texts?

How do you feel about gay marriage?
exactly the same way as I feel about any other marriage? acceptably normal.

Who was your last missed call from?
my brother ♥

Do you hate being alone?

Do you get along with girls?
yes & no. depends on the girl

Who brings out the worst in you?

Ever kissed someone who smokes?

Do you dance in the car?

Do you hate it when people smoke around you?

Hows your life lately?
pretty shitty in my opinion

What are you looking forward to?
don't know really

Is it okay to date a friends ex?
not in my opinion no.

Someone trips in front of you-what do you do?
obv laugh then feel bad

Who's the last person you messaged?

Want any tatoos/peircings?
yes! :}

Who was the last person you were in a car with?
my mammy

Do you currently have a hickey?
no, I'm actually not a knacker ?

Ever talked on the phone until u fel asleep?

In February were you in a relationship?
yes I was

Are you currently frustrated with someone?
not at the moment, I couldn't be bothered

Can you play pool?
yeah :}

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
wouldn't know

Do you like hugs?

Is there someone who continuously lets you down?

Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
not seriously no

Is there a secret you've never told your parents?
I don't have secrets

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
I'm sure they very well have

Do you regret anything?
there's no point regretting anything, it doesn't or wont change the fact that it happened

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