Monday, November 14, 2011


I'd give up everything to have you back. I'm fed up :{ I'll never get over it, any time I think of you I cry or have to stop myself from cryin if im in work or something. Life is an absolute bitch! I'm sick of people & the way they go on, how they treat people an their fuckin attitude. I hate seeing the people I'm closest to upset. I'd do anything to make my mam happy, just to have her smile! There's always something! Fuck sake. Don't care how much I'm cursing or whatever, I just don't care. Tryin to "get on with things" is something I hate. Things are just getting too much. Have ya ever just wanted to stop everything and just forget the world.... I have. People can go and fuck right off to be quite honest. People talking to ya like you're nothin & can't do fuck all. Arseholes! People literally just have no idea or simply just do not seem to care how they make other people feel. I know plentttty of people who genuinely just do not give a shit about other people and I have no time for pricks like that anymore. Two faced little shits. "Friends" being fake little dramatic lying ticks talking shit about each other behind each others back... not being able to realise the bitchiness of the ones they are closest too. The one they consider and THINK is their bestfriend actually claiming to the rest they can't stand the person yet to the persons face they are the biggest arse licker imaginable. Yeah, real friendship that is! :| If only you knew.... Open your eyes enough to actually cop on to what is actually going on when you're not around, You've already had a taste of it :/ If I was a bitch I'd fuckin say it to them but I know how much it would hurt & I just couldn't do that to someone. I have a heart unlike a lot of people. I actually care. Fuck the lot of yas. Sick & tired. Feel worn out, fed up, sad & alone even though I'm not alone. But in my mind I am. It's hard to be positive when you feel like you're life has fallen apart in your head. I can smile to people but inside I'm not. Fuck sake.....FML. I miss & love you so much nana, please please come back to us :(

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