Sunday, August 7, 2011

My style. What I'm into. Fashion-wise.

I personally am the type of person who wears or likes a certain thing because I'm into it & like it. I don't go by what others wear or shit like that. I sort of avoid wearing something if I know everyone wears it. I dunno it's just the way I am to a certain extent.

I can't define myself as being a "girly girl" or "tomboy" as a whole. It's not true as I'm a mixture of both really but I kind of mix it up by combining the two. I love nothing more than throwing on a pair of tracky bottoms or wearing jeans & a baggy jumper.

I comfort-wear most of the time. I won't just wear something fancy if I'm going out if I know it'll irritate me & I won't be able to relax wearing it just for the sake of "oh it looks great". I'll wear it if im in the humour, if it fits my mood that day & if I wanna wear it & feel it looks okay on me & is comforable. I love getting all dolled up for a night out with everyone & then i love afterwards getting home & getting all cosey in my jammys!

I love jewellery & am nearly always wearing some sort of it all the time. I'm a bangle/bracelet & necklace freak! I have sooo many of them along with earings too! Also, I love rings & love all the different types ya can get & everything.

I'm all about dressing to suit yourself. Not to "fit in" or "be cool". That's aloada shite to be honest! Don't dress to impress unless it's simply to impress yourself. If I wear something, & someone doesn't like it then I'll purposely wear it around them more to annoy them, hehe :} I wear things for myself, not to impress others. I mean if they are impressed, that's great.
If not, get over it! it's as simple as.

So yeah, that's the end of this for now. Be yourself! Yayaaaa :}


So... Cher Lloyd. Only a quick note about this. I love love love this song, wasn't too fond at first but it definitely grew on me & now I always listenin' to it. Cher herself as a person I don't really take a liking to. The lyrics of this song are childish, the name is stupid but I LOVE the beat, style & rhythm to it.
It's a feel good song & I love a good feel good dance-y type song :}

The Tobzter!

So this is my lil star. His name is Toby
& i love him to death! :} There we are, wooooo!

Just thought i'd share my love for my doggy seen as he means the world to me.
He's so adorable & the oddest thing ever, haha xD
He always gets random outburts of hyperness & will run around my house
like a nutter running and skidding into things & everything. it's hilarious :}
I think he's secretly a cat, he's afraid of water. Annnnd, he runs away from the hairdryer it's funny. :}

He would literally eat an alien if you offered one to him. He demolished a single couch chair before & left his mark by leaving all the fluffy stuff inside the chair all over our shed & i thought it was the funniest thing ever. Was like a load of clouds everywhere was great xD
Also, he loves the fluffy matt we have in the extention & will spend his time rolling around in it in full view of everyone.

I have so many names that i call him & they're so randomly wierd. For example- Maurice, Jeremy, Maureen, Lucifer, Brenden... Ohh believe me the list goes on. I dont know, i just.. dont know. Hahaha xD

Awh i love him! Just gonna leave it at that about him for now.
Enjoy his cuteness :}

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back To Basics.

Full name: Laura Ann Elizabeth Barnwell
Birthday: 24th October 1992
Place of Birth: Coombe, Dublin
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: Student
Screen Name: xLauraBarnwell

Hair Colour: brown, black & red
Hair Length: long-ish, want it longer!
Eye colour: blueeeeeee
Best Feature: hmmmm.. my eyes?
Height: 5'7
Braces?: naww
Glasses?: nope
Piercing: ears x7 so far
Tattoos: none yet sadly :{
Righty or Lefty: POWER TO THE LEFTY'S!!! :}

Your 'Firsts':
First Award:
Ohh i think it was something to do with art of some sort, can't really remember tbh.
First Sport You Joined: basketball
First Real Vacation: Portugal
First Concert: Westlife, ohh yeahhh!

Movie: Ohh god i have loads!
TV Show: Hellcats, Keeping Up With The K's, Holly's World, Pretty Little Liars, Geordie Shore...
Colours: Purple, royal blue, dark pink & blood red
Song: Whoah that's hard!
Store: New look.... anywhere really where i find something i like :}
Shoes: emmm?

Feeling: m'okay, bit tired seen as it's 3:4O in the morning!
Single or Taken: taken
Eating: nothing
Listening To: chris brown - treading water
Thinking About: nothing major
Wanting: a drink of water
Watching: the screen
Wearing: jammys

Want Children?: yessss :}
Want to be Married: hopefully someday
Careers in Mind: singer, hairdresser, graphic designer
Where do you want to live?: somewhere hot & beautiful

Have you ever-
Kissed a Stranger: everybody has xD
Had Alcohol: yepp
Smoked: yes to prove to myself they are filthy & disgusting!
Ran Away From Home: naa
Broken a bone: yupp just the once
Got an X-ray: yeah
Broken Someone's Heart: i think so, once. :{
Broke Up With Someone: yes
Cried When Someone Died: yeah
Cried At School: yepp

Do You Believe In:
God: i do & i don't
Miracles: kind of
Love At First sight: no
Ghosts: yeah
Aliens: naa
Soul Mates: why not
Heaven: sure
Hell: sure
Kissing on The First Date: ah sher go for it! :}