Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My debs was on the 6th of Sept. :} It was an amazing night & everyone had a great time. Loved it & wana do it all over again so I can wear my beautiful dress again. :} But yeahh, here's just a fewwww shnapppppps of the day/night overall :} There's LOADS more!
Btw, anyone who ever does come across & reads my blog.. be sure to leave your comments & what not and tell me what you think. I'd love that. :} Yeahhhhhh (:

JoJo - Disaster

Absolutely loving Jojo's new single. It's amazing like herself & I never expect anything less than perfect from her As she never gives anything less. She's absolutely incredible & I adore her, she's a true idol of mine & I look up to her alot. Such a great rolemodel who has literally everything going for her. Been a fan of hers ever since she came on the scene all those years ago. Do yourself a favour & take a listen. :}

Jememy :}:}:}

For years & years & years, I have wanted a cute little furball of a hamster. And sooooo.... A few weeks ago, I got Jeremy. Isn't he the cutest little thing in the world? Just look at him, D'awwwwwwh!! He's frickin deadly & the most adorable thing ever. :}..The guy is a rebel in his own, like a dare-devil! One minute he's running around beside ya or whatever... then next he's building up the courage in himself to either leap off the couch, climb entirely to the top of things or literally sprint like an olympian to get where he want to go! Wtf like xD...Awh but seriously, he climbs everywhere! It's so funny xD He's like Toby in the fact that he goes to eat everything haha. I left him to roll around in his ball one night & then big shock, when i went over to check on him didn't he manage to have part of one of my string-tops pulled into one of the gaps in his ball & he's there red-handed nibbling away no bother! :o But yeah, ya gotta love him, I know I do. So now I have added another little ball of love into the family & everyone loves him. :} Gewaaaan the Jermister!!! LOVE

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Haven't blogged in a good while. Dont know why tbh, I have things I wana talk about. But I guess I just couldn't be bothered? I'll probably do loads in time. Just couldn't be arsed lately :\ But emm yeah.... Well this is completely pointless, but at least it's writing something ayy, ha.